To appear: Shore & Beach, Vol 72, No. 1, 2004.
Inlet is marginally stable, which is indicated by a constant relative position of the
inlet cross-sectional areas relative to pertinent closure curves in the Escoffier
relation (Headland et al., 1999). There is a considerable amount of sediment
entering Fire Island Inlet each year through littoral transport and the excessive
length of the inlet channel makes it hydraulically inefficient.
An ESRI Arcviewtm extension, known as BeachTools (Hoeke, et al. 2001),
was developed to identify and quantitatively establish the position of the
shoreline and other coastal features from aerial imagery. The extension uses
image analysis techniques to extract a polygon representation known as a
shoreline shapefile to map the beach between the vegetation line and the wet/dry
line (saturation line). The BeachTools extension also calculates transects from a