b. A three-dimensional Digital Terrain Model of the bathymetry based on the
SHOALS survey
Figure 4.
of 47 ft (14.3 m) on the hills overlooking the Fish Pier. In general, shoal areas of
the ebb and flood tidal delta range between 0 and 10 ft (0 and 3.1 m) on this
survey. Overlaying the 11/98 SHOALS bathymetry on the 7/2/98 aerial photogra-
phy indicated that the shoal edge visible on the photography corresponded gen-
erally with the 5-ft- (1.5-m-) depth contour in the bay area and the ocean side of
the ebb shoal corresponded with the 10-ft- (3.1-m-) depth contour. There would
be some change in the bathymetry in the four-month period between the photo-
graph and the bathymetric survey, but the registration of the visible shoal area to a
depth relative to mllw was reasonably accurate.
Chapter 2 Methods