1 Introduction
The U.S. Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Coastal and
Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL), is
conducting a
study of the
entrance to
Bay, CA, as a part of the Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP). The data
review contained herein provides an inventory and review of available data to
support the study. The data review includes historical and recent physical
processes and engineering data describing Humboldt Bay and the adjacent littoral
cell. The focus is on data and data sources related to physical oceanography
(tides, wind, waves, currents, hydrographic structure, bathymetry), coastal
processes, tidal inlet and beach dynamics, sand supply and budgets, structural
modifications controlling the inlet entrance configuration, and dredging of the
navigation channel.
The purpose of the data review is to locate, identify, and catalog as large a
portion of the available data as practicable in support of the inlet study of
Humboldt Bay. The intent is to identify a database that will provide substantial
information and knowledge needed to facilitate a successful and complete study
of the inlet. Historic data and data sources are needed for the evaluation of the
evolution of the inlet and anthropogenic influences during the past 150 years.
Recent physical processes data and data sources are also needed for framing and
simulating the existing physical dynamic attributes of the inlet. Only after both
the past evolution and the existing properties of the inlet are understood can
possible approaches to improvements be thoroughly investigated and identified.
The specific objectives of the data review are to:
a. Develop a bibliography of historical and recent physical processes and
engineering studies.
b. Compile an inventory of available historical and recent data collections
including aerial photos, maps and charts, physical processes and
c. Compile a chronology of studies and engineering projects as they relate
to the operation of the entrance and its dynamics and evolution.
d. Prepare a report documenting the contents, extent and locations of the
various data sources, identifying data sources of particular interest to the
inlet study, and provide selected information directly to CIRP
Chapter 1 Introduction