Notes: "September 1997."
Title: Discovery of Humboldt Bay,
"... created from discussion sessions on
California, in 1806 from the ship O'Cain,
"Envisioning the Future on the Bay" during
Jonathan Winship, Commander: an episode
the 1996 Humboldt Bay Symposium."
in a Bostonian-Russian contact voyage of
the early American China trade/ E.W.
Call Number: F868.H8 S9 1996a
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd
floor-Humboldt Room (Non-Circulating).
Subject(s): Winship, Jonathan.
Humboldt Bay (CA)--Discovery and
Main Author: U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. Region 1.
Publisher: [Falls Church, VA?]: Society
Other Author(s): U.S. Fish and Wildlife
for the History of Discoveries, 1997.
Service. Division of Realty.
Description: 24 p.: maps; 25 cm.
Title: Conceptual management plan:
Lanphere Dunes Unit: Humboldt Bay
Series: Terrae incognitae, v.29.
National Wildlife Refuge, Humboldt
County, California/ prepared by U.S. Fish
Notes: "Presented at: Society for the
and Wildlife Service, Humboldt Bay
History of Discoveries, Arlington, TX,
National Wildlife Refuge and U.S. Fish and
November 1995; Humboldt County
Wildlife Service, Division of Reality.
Historical Society, Eureka, February 1996;
California Map Society, San Francisco, June
Variant Title: Lanphere Dunes Unit
1997." Revised October 1996 and
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge,
November 1997. "'Printer's errata and
Humboldt County, California.
update', Terrae incognitae, vol.30, pp. 94-
100, is consolidated in this offprint."
Subject(s): Habitat conservation--
Includes bibliographical references.
California--Humboldt Bay--Planning.
Nature conservation--California--Humboldt
Call Number: F868.H8 .G54 1997
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd
Wildlife management areas--California--
floor-Humboldt Room (Non-Circulating).
Humboldt Bay
Recreational use--Planning.
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Main Author: U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service. Region 1.
Environmental conditions.
Title: Environmental assessment: Lanphere
Publisher: Portland, OR: The Service,
Dunes Unit: Humboldt Bay National
Wildlife Refuge, Humboldt County,
California/ [prepared by] U.S. Fish and
Description: ii, 11 p.: maps (some col.); 28
Wildlife Service.
Variant Title: Lanphere Dunes Unit
Notes: Shipping list no.: 97-0341-P.
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge,
"July 1997."
Humboldt County, California
Environmental assessment and land
Call Number: SK373 .U561 1997
protection plan.
Location: A-M 2nd Floor; N-Z 3rd Floor--
Main Collection.
Subject(s): Sand dune conservation--
California--Humboldt Bay.
Wildlife refuges--California--Humboldt
Call Number: SK373 .U561 1997
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd
Wetland animals--California--Humboldt
floor-Humboldt Room (Non-Circulating).
Endangered plants--Protection--California--
Humboldt Bay.
Main Author: Giesecke, E. W.
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Other Author(s): Society for the History of
Environmental conditions.
Humboldt Bay (CA)
Appendix F Available Publications at Humboldt State University Library