Title: Humboldt Bay investigation: January 1967/
prepared by Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, California
Call Number: F868.H8 L4 1966
State Department of Public Health, H.B. Foster, Jr.,
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Chief, H.J. Ongerth, Assistant Chief ; the study was
Room (Non-Circulating).
conducted under the supervision of Paul C. Ward. by
William F. Jopling...[et al.].
Other Author(s): Bagshaw, T. Fred.
Subject(s): Shellfish--Microbiology.
California. Division of Highways.
Sewage disposal--California--Humboldt Bay.
Water quality--California--Humboldt Bay.
Title: Report of a public hearing in Humboldt County:
for location of state highway between Route 101 in
Publisher: [Sacramento]: The Department, 1967.
Eureka across Humboldt Bay to the Samoa Peninsula
01-HUM-255/ conducted by T. Fred Bagshaw,
Description: 25 leaves.: ill., maps.
Assistant Director of PublicWorks.
Call Number: QR118 C24 1967
Subject(s): Highway planning--California--Eureka.
Location: A-M 2nd Floor; N-Z 3rd Floor--Main
Publisher: Eureka, CA: [s.n.], 1966.
Description: 1 vol. in various pagings.: ill.
Call Number: QR118 C24 1967
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Notes: Transcript submitted by Sam Helwer, District
Room (Non-Circulating).
Engineer. Held at the Division of Highways
auditorium in Eureka on March 9, 1966.
Main Author: California Regional Water Quality
Call Number: TE25.E8 R48
Control Board--North Coast Region.
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Room (Non-Circulating).
Title: Water quality control policy for Humboldt Bay:
preliminary report/ North Coastal Regional Water
Quality Control Board.
Main Author: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Subject(s): Water quality management--California--
Title: Review of reports on Humboldt Harbor and Bay,
Humboldt Bay.
California for navigation/ U.S. Army Corps of
Humboldt Bay (CA).
Publisher: Santa Rosa: The Board, 1967.
Subject(s): Harbors--California--Eureka.
Humboldt Bay (CA).
Description: 1 v. in various pagings: map.
Publisher: San Francisco: U.S. Army Corps of
Call Number: TD224.C3 C25 1967
Engineers, 1966.
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Room (Non-Circulating).
Description: Rev. ed., 1 v. (various pagings): ill.; 27
Main Author: Lewis, Oscar, 1893.
Notes: Cover title.
First published June 15, 1963.
Title: The quest for Qual-a-wa-loo, Humboldt Bay; a
collection of diaries and historical notes pertaining to
Call Number: TC225.H8 U52 1966
the early discoveries of the area now known as
Location: A-M 2nd Floor; N-Z 3rd Floor--Main
Humboldt County, California. Edited and published
from manuscripts furnished by Clarence E. Pearsall,
George D. Murray, A.C. Tibbetts and Harry L. Neall.
Call Number: TC225.H8 U52 1966
Subject(s): Humboldt County (CA).
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Humboldt Bay (CA).
Room (Non-Circulating).
Publisher: Oakland, CA, Holmes Book Co., 1966.
Other Author(s): Humboldt State University. Center
Description: 190 p. illus., maps, ports. 24 cm.
for Community Development.
Conference Name: Symposium on Humboldt Bay
Notes: First published 1943.
(1966: Humboldt State College).
Appendix F Available Publications at Humboldt State University Library