include future channel maintenance requirements, jetty maintenance if the North Beach
recedes, and the sediment supply to Damon Point from the bypassed sediment.
As part of the USACE navigation study at Grays Harbor, field data were collected in
1999 and 2001 (Osborne et al. 2002). These measurements, together with physical and
numerical models, are being analyzed to understand this large tidal inlet entrance, assess
the functionality of the North Jetty, and determine sediment transport mechanisms in this
high-energy environment (Cialone and Kraus 2001, 2002).
This paper describes the coupling of a wave model and a circulation model to examine
tidal currents, wave-induced currents, and wave transformation and their interactions in the
Ocean Shores region, at the North Jetty tip, and in the inlet entrance. Of particular interest
are the formation and location of rip currents induced by radiation stress gradients in the
forcing of the circulation model. Processes are also examined for the situation of an
idealized coastal inlet.
Field data were collected in 1999 at seven locations extending from seaward of Grays
Harbor and through the entrance to record surface wave propagation and currents (Fig. 1).
These measurements capture tidal flow and change of water level by tide and wind, as well
as wave propagation into the bay, that transport sediment into the navigation channel and
over oyster-ground leasing areas. In 2001, measurements of nearshore currents at Ocean
Shores and waves and currents near the north jetty tip were also made. The 1999 data-
collection program included waves, water level, tidal current through the water column,
and suspended sediment at seven bottom-residing tripods for a 2-month period. The
tripods were deployed along or near the navigation channel, extending from the entrance,
through the inlet, and into the bay. The year 2001 data-collection program included similar
measurements at the North Jetty for a 1-month period and two shortterm (3-5 day)
deployments in the nearshore zone at Ocean Shores (Osborne et al. 2002).
Cialone, Militello, Brown, and Kraus