Fig. 4. Increase in intrusion distance (decrease in width) in channel on sand shore: comparison
of non-linear model (numerical solution) and linearized model (analytical solution)
Fig. 5. Evolution of channel infilling rate and channel bypassing rate on sand shore
Example 2: (gravel) Q = 50,000 m3/year, ad = 0.3, ab = 0.6
This example simulates a shallow-draft channel in an inlet located on a gravel shore, so
most of the coarse-grained material is deposited on the updrift side of the channel, with
little bypassing by suspended transport ( as = 1 - ad - ab = 0.1 ). Only the fine material, a
limited amount, is assumed to travel over the channel by suspension. If the gravel falls into
the channel, none is resuspended sufficiently to leave it. The effective channel length is
1,000 m, so q = 50,000/1,000 = 50 m3/m/year.
Kraus and Larson