2 Review of Selected
This selective literature review aims at presenting previous work
pertinent to the enhancements made in NMLong. Thus, key papers regarding
the surf zone are of central interest. Also, a summary is given of studies that
involved laboratory and field data collection on nearshore currents.
Kraus and Larson (1991) and Larson and Kraus (1991) provide a detailed
theoretical background to NMLong, including a comprehensive verification
of the model. The literature to 1991 was comprehensively reviewed. The
references in those publications may be consulted for a more general
discussion of the basic equations employed in the modeling of the cross-shore
distribution of waves, mean water level, and longshore current.
Wave-Current Interaction and Its Modeling
Bretherton and Garrett (1969) showed that, for waves propagating on a
current, it is the wave action, defined as the wave energy divided by the
intrinsic (relative) frequency, that is conserved and not wave energy. The
wave action equation that they derived is the starting point for modeling
wave transformation in the presence of a current. Jonsson, Skovgaard, and
Wang (1970) studied waves propagating on a steady current and derived the
linear dispersion relation for waves on a current. Conditions for wave
blocking, that is, when an opposing current prevents the waves from traveling
further, were established. Jonsson (1978) further discussed the wave action
equation, and Jonsson and Skovgaard (1978) included energy dissipation
(e.g., due to breaking or friction in the bottom boundary layer) in this
equation. Furthermore, Jonsson and Skovgaard (1978) studied wave
refraction across a shearing current, and Jonsson and Christoffersen (1984)
expanded this study to encompass varying depth. Jonsson (1990) made a
comprehensive review of the interaction between waves and a current. In the
next chapter, the theoretical foundation for NMLong-CW is discussed, and a
significant amount of the material was adapted from or inspired by the
Jonsson (1990) review.
A few engineering numerical models that employ the wave action
equation to simulate wave transformation in the presence of a current have
previously been presented. Southgate (1987, 1989) developed a one-
dimensional computational model to simulate waves, wave-induced currents,
and tidal currents in coastal regions. The wave action equation was solved to
obtain the cross-shore distribution of wave heights, including energy dissipa-
tion due to wave breaking and bottom friction. The method proposed by
Chapter 2 Brief Literature Review