Model Results
Results for the Eastcoast 2001 tidal database are presented in harmonic con-
stituent form, both globally and locally. Coamplitude and cotidal charts are
presented for each of the seven forcing constituents. Comparison plots between
computed and measured tidal elevations at each of the 101 tidal elevation
measurement stations allow the computations to be validated. Computed to
measured harmonic constituent error analysis evaluates the overall performance
for each tidal constituent. The measured field data error estimates from the
previous chapter are examined to allow a realistic assessment of model perform-
ance. Finally, computed-measurement errors for the Eastcoast 1991 and
Eastcoast 1995 databases are also examined.
Coamplitude and cotidal charts for Eastcoast 2001 computations are pre-
sented for the three diurnal (K1, O1, Q1) and four semidiurnal (M2, S2, N2, K2)
constituents in Figures 18-31. The three diurnal constituents and four semi-
diurnal constituents respectively exhibit very similar structure within each group.
The diurnal tides tend to increase in amplitude within the Gulf of Mexico. The
K1 constituent exhibits an amphidrome or degenerate amphidrome northwest of
the Bahamas and north of Cuba as well as off Cancun, Mexico. The O1 and Q1
constituents display amphidromes or degenerate amphidromes off Nova Scotia,
Canada, northwest of the Bahamas and north of central Cuba as well as off
northern Nicaragua. Semidiurnal tides dominate in the Atlantic, and taper in the
Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. The M2 constituent shows an amphi-
drome or degenerate amphidrome off Nantucket Island in the Atlantic, off Puerto
Rico in the Caribbean and off Merida, Mexico, in the south central Gulf of
Mexico. The S2 and N2 constituents also display a degenerate amphidrome off
the Island of Grand Bahamas in the Atlantic. Finally, the K2 constituent only
exhibits an amphidrome or degenerate amphidrome off Cancun, Mexico, and the
Island of Grand Bahamas.
The reliability of the Eastcoast 2001 tidal values was evaluated by com-
paring computed values at the 101 measurement stations for the seven astronomi-
cal constituents to available measured elevation field data. Figures 32-132
present the computed versus measured amplitude and phase for the O1, K1, Q1,
M2, S2, N2, and K2 constituents. Each of the seven tidal constituents has a
corresponding symbol found in the legend to the right of the plots. Some stations
have two sets of constituent symbols. The red set is found on every plot and
represents the basic set of IHO, NOAA, and older NOS values. The blue set of
symbols shows the updated NOS field measurement data. Each graph has a solid
diagonal line with a one-to-one ratio which represents the no error line, and two
Chapter 5 Model Results