Appendix H
Data Tables for Structure 4
Tables H1 through H16 list measurements for the wave experiments in
Structure 4. The tables include the still-water depth d, average water surface
elevation e, significant wave period Ts, significant wave height Hs, average wave
height Ha, and maximum wave height Hm. The gauge locations are shown in
Figure 10, and Figure H1 provides an enlargement with concentration on
placement of the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) probes. Gauges 1, 2, 3,
and 4 are the furthest offshore (near the generator). Gauges 8, 9, and 10 are in
the inlet throat, and Gauges 6 and 7 are in the entrance channel. The gauge
spacing for the rack gauges 11-20 and 21-30 is 0.6 m (2 ft) between consecutive
gauges. The gauge locations in the basin coordinate system are given in
Appendix O. To convert measurements given in feet to meters, multiply by
Appendix H Data Tables for Structure 4