Appendix Q
CIIS Measurement Results
Spectral Peak Vector-Mean Wave Direction Plots
Presented in this appendix are rectified snapshot images for each structure
and experiment. Superimposed on each image are wave direction vectors that
represent the vector-mean wave direction at the peak of the measured spectrum
for each Coastal Inlets Imaging System (CIIS) output location in a given camera
view. In the physical model coordinate system, alongshore and cross-shore
image axis labels correspond to y- and x-axes, respectively.
For each CIIS array location, a wide band about the theoretical spectral peak
was searched for a value of maximum energy density and corresponding
Then the
corresponding wave direction vector was plotted. For
Experiments 1 and 4 the band about the spectral peak ranged between 0.5 and
2 Hz. For Experiments 2 and 5, the band about the spectral peak ranged between
0.3 and 0.7 Hz. For Experiments 3 and 6, the band about the spectral peak
ranged between 1.0 and 1.5 Hz.
Vectors without a circled tail represent wave directions that do not meet the
coherence cutoff criteria discussed in Chapter 5. Vectors with a circled tail
represent wave directions that meet the cutoff criteria. For the sake of graphical
visual representation, wave direction vectors are scaled by wave celerity:
k = kx + k y
Plot titles have either 4- or 5-digit strings that indicate structure (characters
1-2) and experiment (characters 3-4), and c indicates whether a 15-cm/sec current
was present in channel (character 5), as well as camera number. For example,
"S1X1" represents Structure 1, Experiment 1. "S3X1c" represents Structure 1,
Experiment 1, current in channel.
Appendix Q CIIS Measurement Results