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Costal Inlets Research Program
> Buonaiuto_Kraus-03
Limiting slopes and depths at ebb-tidal shoals
Examples of empirical and theoretical equilibrium relationships for tidal inlet morphology
Fig. 1. Location of inlets examined (inlets with conventional surveys in parentheses).
Survey information
Inlet parameters and geomorphic classification
Fig. 2. Bathymetry contours and transect locations for Moriches Inlet, 1996 survey.
Fig. 3. Bathymetry contours drawn at 1 m interval for selected sampling intervals of the LIDAR data for Shinnecock Inlet, NY, survey of August, 1997.
Fig. 4. Contours of slopes at Shinnecock Inlet ebb shoal, 1998 survey. Steepest regions are located along the lateral walls of the inlet channels,
Fig. 5. Definition sketch for the depth over crest of an ebb shoal (cross-section from Shinnecock Inlet, NY, survey of May 1998).
Fig. 7. Definition sketch for inlet morphology.
Fig. 8. Linear regression between the depth over crest of an ebb shoal and average-annual significant wave height.
Fig. 9. Power law regression between the depth over crest of an ebb shoal and tidal prism.
Fig. 10. Linear regression between the depth over crest of an ebb shoal and the product of significant wave height and tidal prism as (HSP)1/4.
Acknowledgements - Buonaiuto_Kraus-030014
References - Buonaiuto_Kraus-030015
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