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Costal Inlets Research Program
> Regional_Neural_Network
Development of a regional neural network for coastal water level prediction
Introduction - Regional_Neural_Network0002
Introduction cont'd
Review of artificial neural network applications
Backpropagation neural network methodology
One-neuron model
Multiple-layer model
Network development processes
ANN optimization and improvement
Input file names of hourly data required for RNN--WL model training and verification
Default parameters in the RNN--WL model for network training
Fig. 7. RNN--WL model training and verification at Station P8 of Fire Island Inlet.
Model testing in predicting water levels over yearlong periods
Model testing for subtidal water level predictions
Model testing using water levels from remote NOAA stations
Fig. 11. Model test for non-tidal water level predictions at station P8.
Fig. 12. Locations of remote NOAA water level stations along US East Coast.
Conclusion - Regional_Neural_Network0018
Fig. 14. Model test using water level inputs from a remote NOAA station located 466 km away in the coast of Lewisetta Virginia.
Acknowledgements - Regional_Neural_Network0020
References - Regional_Neural_Network0021
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