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Costal Inlets Research Program
> Swash_Erikson-etal
Prediction of swash motion and run-up including the effects of swash interaction
Literature review - Swash_Erikson-etal0002
Fig. 1. Sketch illustrating two phenomena accounted for in the swash interaction model. (a) Catch-up and absorption, and (b) up-rush and back-wash collition.
Literature review - Swash_Erikson-etal0004
Swash interaction
Instrumentation - Swash_Erikson-etal0006
Fig. 3. Laboratory set-up of the experiment. A cross-section of the tank is shown in the upper plot and a plan view is shown in the lower plot.
Fig. 4. Surface elevations following the passage of two large passenger carrying vessels and the associated energy spectrums.
Fig. 5. Offshore wave trains measured approximately 14 m from SWS.
Measured run-up and swash depth
Modeled run-up
Fig. 7. Power spectra of swash depths measured at SWS. (N.B. Vertical scale differs between panels).
Fig. 8. Cross-correlation between measured swash depth at the still water shoreline and run-up lengths for different experimented cases.
Fig. 9. Measured (dashed lines) and simulated (solid lines) run-up lengths with swash interaction. (N.B. Vertical scale differs between panels).
Fig. 11. Sensitivity of run-up length to changes in the relative magnitude of yh yh
Conclusions - Swash_Erikson-etal0016
Acknowledgements - Swash_Erikson-etal0017
References cont'd - Swash_Erikson-etal0018
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