Run 4
The tide period was changed to one-fourth the previous experiment or
26.4 min to evaluate the influence of tidal period on equilibrium area. Conditions
appeared appropriate to evolve an equilibrium area, so that this became the first
fully developed experiment for detailed data collection. Other initial conditions
determined from the previous preliminary experiments were used. Initial mini-
mum cross-sectional area was 0.04 sq m (0.45 sq ft). After 15 tidal cycles of
tides-only condition, the minimum area had stabilized at 0.05 sq m (0.57 sq ft).
The inlet width remained close to the initial width of 0.6 m (2.0 ft), with only
slight slumping of its steep sides. Depths had increased from 0.07 to 0.09 m (0.22
to 0.29 ft). The sediment removed from the channel had transported both seaward
and bayward initiating the creation of ebb and flood shoals, respectively. Starting
with cycle 16, the 1-sec, 3-cm wave was initiated, with the generator parallel to
the beach. The response was a slight widening at the oceanward side of the inlet
(Figure 6, hour 31) and a bayward migration of the inlet itself as sediment was
removed gradually from the inlet shoulders and introduced into the ebb and flood
shoals. Figure 7 shows the inlet at the conclusion of the test at tidal cycle 144.
The minimum area had migrated bayward and channel length shortened.
The bay tide range was nearly constant for the entire experiment, with a span
between 0.3 and 0.33 cm (0.12 and 0.13 in.), which was one-tenth the ocean
range. Figure 8 shows the ocean and bay tides. Velocity measurements were col-
lected at one location within the inlet. Because the sensor was on a three-legged
stand in the channel, it was not moved during the study. As the cross section in
the channel changed, minimum area migrated. Also, a shoal developed, then
moved. Therefore, a variation in velocity accompanied channel morphological
variations. However, as the experiment was concluding, the velocity measure-
ment, though not in the center of the minimum cross section, was located such
that measurements representative of those in the minimum cross section were ob-
tained. Maximum currents were 0.31 m/sec (1.03 ft/sec) at cycle 144 at a mini-
mum area of 0.0606 sq m (0.652 sq ft).
Run 5
This experiment was conducted with the 105-min tide period. Based on re-
sults of the previous experiment, the inlet length was decreased to reduce run
time. The inlet area increased from an initial minimum cross-sectional area of
0.053 sq m (0.57 sq ft) to an equilibrium area of 0.12 sq m (1.30 sq ft) by tidal
cycle 16 with a maximum current of 0.29 m/sec (0.94 ft/sec). Figure 9 shows the
widening of the inlet from the tide-only condition. The wave generator was then
run with the standard wave condition until a new equilibrium was reached after
an additional 13 tidal cycles. The minimum area increased to 0.148 sq m
(1.59 sq ft), with the maximum current dropping to 0.27 m/sec (0.89 ft/sec). Fig-
ure 9 shows the widening of the channel caused by the tidal currents. It is inter-
esting to note from Table 2 that the tidal prism is significantly larger for Run 5
due to the longer tidal period, allowing greater filling of the bay and different
Chapter 4 Experiments and Results