Figure 23. Mainland shoreline change in seawall area (Claflin Landing to Holway
was opening, after 1987, the shoreline maintained a wide low tide beach along
this stretch of shore that formed a point into Chatham Harbor through 1989. As
Nauset Spit moved north and west the inlet throat expanded and allowed waves
and stronger tidal currents to directly encroach upon this shoreline. A stone revet-
ment was constructed during the winter of 1987-1988 to protect the upland prop-
erty as the shoreline began to erode almost immediately after the inlet opened and
some houses were damaged or completely destroyed. Erosion in front of the struc-
ture continued through 1989, and the revetment was enlarged and strengthened
between l989 to 1990 after being overtopped by storm waves. By 1990 the beach
Chapter 3 Inlet Throat, Shoreline, and Channel Evolution