Figure 56. Total estimated volume of sediment in various morphologic units at
Chatham Inlet from preinlet to 1999
Dredged Material Disposal
The dredged material placement locations are unknown for 1989, 1991, 1992,
dredging before the breach to maintain the entrance channel was also placed on
Tern Island. The 1994/95 dredged material from the entrance channel and anchor-
age was placed in a disposal mound on Tern Island. Three separate dredging
operations during 1998 placed material at various beaches on the mainland shore
of the Town of Chatham either in Pleasant Bay, Chatham Harbor, or Nantucket
Sound. The two 1999 dredging events placed sand on the beach at the end of
Andrew Hardings Lane. Of the quantity of sand removed from the entrance
channel and anchorage, 45,514 cu yd (34,800 m3) can be documented as having
been placed back into the Chatham Inlet system on its mainland beaches. Some of
the remaining material was placed on Tern Island (100,000 cu yd or 76,460 m3)
and approximately 5,511 cu yd (4,214 m3) was placed on town beaches outside
the inlet influence.
Future disposal sites to consider would be the land bridge area between the
mainland and South Beach, which is low and narrow. The shore has been retreat-
ing landward at the north tip of South Beach and is subject to frequent overwash
during storms. A new breach could form along the land bridge or somewhere on
Personal Communication, 2000, T. Keon, Dept. of Coastal Resources, Town of Chatham, MA.
Chapter 6 Dredging Plan Recommendations