Call Number: TC225.H8 P8 1976
Title: Geology of the Humboldt Bay region, with
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
special reference to the geology of the Humboldt Bay
Room (Non-Circulating).
power plant site and vicinity.
Subject(s): Humboldt Bay Power Plant.
Main Author: Burdick, Brett A.
Geology--California--Humboldt Bay Region.
Other Author(s): Humboldt State University.
Department of Geology.
Publisher: Palo Alto, CA, 1975.
Title: Surficial sediment distribution in a portion of
Description: 50 . illus. (22 fold. in pockets).
Humboldt Bay/ by Brett A. Burdick.
Notes: "Prepared for the Pacific Gas and Electric
Subject(s): Geology--California--Humboldt Bay.
Bibliography: . 47-50.
Sedimentation and deposition.
Call Number: QE90.H8 E37
Publisher: [Arcata, CA]: [s.n.] 1976.
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Room (Non-Circulating).
Description: 38 leaves: ill., maps.
Notes: Senior thesis (Geology 181)--Humboldt State
Main Author: Koebig & Koebig.
University, 1976.
Other Author(s): United States. Economic
Bibliography: leaves 34-35.
Development Administration.
Call Number: QE90.H82 B87
Title: Humboldt Bay master plan/ Prepared for
Location: Archives, 3rd floor north, Humboldt Room
Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation, and Conservation
District, July, 1975.
Subject(s): Harbors--California--Humboldt Bay.
Other Author(s): Winzler and Kelly Consulting
Publisher: [Los Angeles] 1975.
Title: Draft environmental impact report for Standard
Description: 1 v. (various pagings): fold. maps; 28
Oil Company of California drilling project, Samoa,
Notes: "Prepared for Humboldt Bay Harbor,
Subject(s): Drilling platforms--Environmental
Recreation, and Conservation District." "This technical
aspects--California, Humboldt Bay Region.
assistance study was accomplished under a grant with
Industrial location--California--Humboldt Bay Region.
the Economic Development Administration. ...".
Regional planning--California--Humboldt Bay Region.
Environmental impact statements--California--
Call Number: F868.H8 K62 1975
Humboldt Bay Region.
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Samoa Peninsula (CA).
Room (Non-Circulating).
Publisher: [1975].
Call Number: F868.H8 K62 1975
Description: 1 v. (various foliations: ill., maps; 28 cm.
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Room (Non-Circulating).
Notes: "March 1975".
"Prepared by Winzler and Kelly Laboratory." "The
proposed project involves the drilling of an
Main Author: TERA Corporation.
exploratory well for the production of natural gas on
Other Author(s): Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
the North Spit of Humboldt Bay."
Title: Humboldt Bay seismic network; annual report,
Call Number: TN871.3 .D7 1975
August 1974-August 1975.
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Room (Non-Circulating).
Subject(s): Earthquakes--California--Humboldt Bay.
Publisher: Berkeley, CA, 1975.
Main Author: Earth Sciences Associates.
Description: 23 . illus. (part fold.).
Appendix F Available Publications at Humboldt State University Library