Publisher: Santa Rosa, CA: California Water Quality
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Control Board, North Coast Region, 1980.
Room (Non-Circulating).
Description: 33, 7 p.: ill., maps.
Main Author: Shapiro & Associates.
Series: Office report ; no. 80-2.
Title: Outline report: Humboldt Bay wetlands review
Notes: Bibliography: p. 32.
and baylands analysis/ prepared for San Francisco
District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [by] Shapiro &
Call Number: TD525.A73 K43
Associates, Inc.
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Room (Non-Circulating).
Variant Title: Humboldt Bay wetlands review and
baylands analysis.
Title: The ports of Port Hueneme and Humboldt Bay,
Subject(s): Regional planning--California--Humboldt
California/ Prepared by Water Resources Support
Bay Region.
Humboldt Bay (CA).
Subject(s): Harbors.
Publisher: [s.l.]: Shapiro & Associates, Inc., 1979.
Description: 41 leaves, in various foliations.
Publisher: Fort Belvoir, VA: U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Water Resources Support Center, 1980.
Notes: Bibliography: . 5.1-5.11.
Description: 1st ed.
Call Number: F868 H8 S53
47 p., 2 maps: ill.; 27 cm.
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-
Humboldt Room (Non-Circulating).
Series: Port series, no. 29.
Call Number: TC223.8 H8
Main Author: Metcalf & Eddy.
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Room (Non-Circulating).
Title: Wastewater treatment process alternatives for
the greater Eureka area/ Metcalf & Eddy, engineers, in
association with LACO Associates, Environmental
Main Author: Humboldt County (CA). Planning
Analysts, inc., [and] Arthur J. Inerfield & Associates.
Subject(s): Sewage disposal--California--Humboldt
Title: Humboldt County local coastal program: [draft]
Bay Region.
technical studies.
Sewage disposal--California--Eureka.
Subject(s): Coastal zone management--California--
Publisher: Palo Alto, Ca.: Metcalf & Eddy, 1979.
Humboldt Bay.
Description: ca 250 leaves: ill., maps.
Publisher: [Eureka, CA: The Department] 1979.
Notes: Report prepared for the City of Eureka, the
Description: v.
Humboldt Community Services District, and County
Service Area No. 3.
Notes: Library has: Vol. 1.
Includes bibliographical references.
Table of Contents:
[1] Access.
Call Number: TD525 H86 M472
[2] Agriculture.
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-
[3] Commercial fishery and beach use.
Humboldt Room (Non-Circulating).
[4] Habitat sensitivity.
[5] Housing.
[6] Recreational demand.
Main Author: United States. Economic Development
[7] Timber.
[8] Urban services.
Other Author(s): Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation,
[9] Visual.
and Conservation District.
[10] Water quality.
Title: Final supplemental environmental impact
Call Number: HT393 C32 H86 1979
statement: Humboldt Bay Harbor Recreation and
Appendix F Available Publications at Humboldt State University Library