In: Proceedings Coastal Sediments '03. 2003. CD-ROM Published by World Scientific Publishing
Corp. and East Meets West Productions, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA. ISBN 981-238-422-7.
A low Keulegan K inlet has the potential to expand its entrance channel cross-sectional area to
much larger size if it is made more efficient by dredging, adding jetty structures; or if a new more
efficient channel is created either by dredging, storm scour, or by natural breakthrough. The new
more efficient channel will produce higher water levels in the bay due to an increase in tidal prism
and potential scour until the equilibrium channel area is reached.
This work was conducted under the Inlet Engineering Investigations work unit, Coastal Inlets
Research Program. Thanks to Dr. Nicholas Kraus and Ms. Julie Rosati for review comments.
Permission to publish was granted by the Office, Chief of Engineers.
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