R.J. Sobey, S.A. Hughes r Coastal Engineering 36 (1999) 1736
Additional closure equations can be provided by observational and free surface bound-
ary equations at neighboring times within a short local window of duration t 0 that is
centered on ti. At least 4 q J q N independent equations must be provided to solve for
4 q J q N unknowns.
Apart from this strict mathematical closure requirement, there is an additional
constraint. The K and D free surface boundary equations are exact, but the P, U and V
observational equations have measurement error bands. Also, the P and U, V sensors are
unlikely to have the same accuracy. Present technology has much larger error bands on
the U, V traces than on the P traces; this is seen quite clearly in Fig. 2b, where the
sampling rate is 4 Hz. These realities of the problem formulation are accommodated by
a significant overspecification of the problem, especially with the UV observational
equations, and the adoption of a least squares rather than an exact solution. Flexibility in
the time location of the PUV observational equations was also introduced through cubic
The local LFI-PUV theory has three free parameters, the truncation order J and the
number of h points N in each local window together with the width t 0rTz of the local
windows. The truncation order has much the same authority as order in an analytical
wave theory ZStokes, conoidal. or truncation order in Fourier wave theory. A window
width of t 0rTz s 1 would be a global solution. A particular solution will be designated
LFI-PUVw J, N,t 0rTz x. For example, LFI-PUVw3,3,0.1x has J s 3, N s 3 and t 0rTz s
5. Numerical implementation
As in Sobey Z1992., the analysis segment routinely adopted was a double wave
sequence centered about a crest suggested by the pressure trace. Solutions are sought in
narrow local windows, with a target width of order t 0 s 0.1Tz , where Tz is the zero-up
crossing period of the record segment.
In all applications of the present theory, it has proven convenient to assign an odd
number of local water surface elevation hZ tn .; with N s 1 or 3 Zfor a single width
window. or 5 Zfor a double width window., such that there is always a computed water
surface elevation centrally located in the window. With respect to the time at the center
of a window of width t 0 , hZ tn . points are located at trt 0 s 0; "0.5; "1.0. K and D
equations are applied at each of these hZ tn . points, depending on the value of N. At
N s 5, the local window width is doubled. There are 2 N s 2 or 6 Zfor a single-width
window. or 10 Zfor a double-width window. of these water surface equations.
P, U and V observational equations are located at the center of the window.
Additional PUV equations within the window are located such that UV observational
equations are not assigned a weighting that was inconsistent with their routinely larger
error bands. With respect to the time at the center of a window of width t 0 , P equations
are located at trt 0 s "0.25, "0.5 in a single width window and also at "0.75, "1 in
a double width window. The associated U and V equations are located at trt 0 s "0.125,
"0.25, "0.375, "0.5 in a single-width window and also "0.625, "0.75, "0.875,
"1 in a double-width window. The explicit higher density of UV equations, together