R.J. Sobey, S.A. Hughes r Coastal Engineering 36 (1999) 1736
PUV gauges. It may also assist in the design evolution of PUV gauges, as it provides a
more realistic interpretation of the strong nonlinearities associated with the more
extreme events.
The research described and the results presented herein, unless otherwise noted, were
obtained from research funded through the Scour Holes at Inlet Structures work unit in
the Coastal Inlets Research Program at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
Station ZWES.. Mr. Patrick McKinney of WES provided the Platform Edith PUV data.
The Columbia River PUV data were collected as part of the Mouth of Columbia Rier
work unit of the Monitoring of Completed Naigation Projects Program of the US
Army Corps of Engineers. Permission to publish this information was granted by the
Chief of Engineers.
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