Governing Equations and
2-D Modeling
This chapter briefly describes the ADCIRC hydrodynamic computer model
as well as model parameter values and the boundary and interior domain forcing
functions utilized to attain the results used to build the tidal database.
Hydrodynamic Model Description
The hydrodynamic numerical model used in the Eastcoast 2001 tidal data-
base computations is ADCIRC-2DDI, the depth-integrated option of the 2-D and
3-D fully nonlinear hydrodynamic code ADCIRC (Luettic, Westerink, and
Scheffner 19921; Westerink, Luettich, and Kolar 1996). ADCIRC-2DDI uses the
depth-integrated equations of mass and momentum subject to the incompressi-
bility, Boussinesq, and hydrostatic pressure approximations. Baroclinic
processes were neglected, including any expansion and contraction due to
written in primitive form as:
1 ∂UH ∂ (VH cosφ )
∂t R cosφ ∂λ
∂U V ∂U tan φ
U + f V =
∂t R cosφ ∂λ R ∂φ R
∂ ps
+ g (ξ - αη ) + sλ - τ *U
R cosφ ∂λ ρ0
ρ0 H
Additional information available on the World Wide Web at
Chapter 2 Governing Equations and 2-D Modeling