boundary. It is noted that Le Provost's database values had to be extrapolated for
portions of the Eastcoast 2001 open ocean boundary lying on the continental
shelf in the vicinity of Nova Scotia and Venezuela since Le Provost's databases
do not provide complete coverage in these areas. Simply applying the nearest
available FES95.2 value across the stretches of the continental shelf not covered
by FES95.2 led to the formation of unphysical and unstable eddies on the shelf
off Venezuela. Zero normal flow specified boundary conditions were applied to
Tidal potential amplitudes and the associated effective Earth elasticity factors
for the seven forcing constituents are listed in Table 1. Earth elasticity factors
(which reduces the magnitude of the tidal potential forcing due to Earth tides)
ranging between 0.693 to 0.736 were used instead of the theoretical value of 0.69
(Schwiderski 1979; Hendershott 1981).
Chapter 2 Governing Equations and 2-D Modeling