Several general sources of measurement error are identified and the accuracy
of the CIIS may be improved upon in future experimentation. In the wave
diffraction region where wave height is significantly reduced or in regions of the
measurement area that are poorly illuminated, the visual signal of the wave
degrades due to lack of contrast. Figure 38 exemplifies lack of image contrast in
the diffraction region behind the breakwater structure where the wave direction
arrows are spurious. Image contrast may be improved by adjustment of the lens
iris, improved directional illumination, and use of a monochromatic camera
system. With a monochromatic camera, signal degradation may be reduced and
image contrast improved. In the Structure 3 and 4 experiments, the camera and
sources of illumination were directed along the axis of the inlet. The rear face of
waves was illuminated as they propagated through the inlet to the bay. Waves
entering the bay were refracted and diffracted, with the sharpest turning angles at
the shoulder of the inlet. In this area, wave crests approached an alignment
parallel with spectral illumination, reducing the variance in radiance between the
forward and rear faces of the wave received by the camera. Put simply, the
ability to visually distinguish between front and rear faces of the wave was
Figure 39 shows the effect of undesired light reflection on the video analysis.
In the upper right corner of the image the reflection of the jetty structure is
observed on the water surface. The shape of the reflection deforms with
perturbations of the water surface, and the channels of the pixel array record its
visual signal. The contaminated time-history records prevent the phase
relationship between array channels to be determined accurately for the
phenomenon of interest. Shadows cast within a measurement array may also
Another potential source of measurement error is array geometry. It is
assumed that processes being measured are homogeneous within the array
aperture. However, this may not be the case where large changes in direction are
occurring over a small area. Measurement array geometry may be optimized to
better resolve wave direction where waves are making large turning angles
approaching a direction perpendicular to the long axis of the array. Waves
breaking on currents and the shore also produced inhomogeneities within the
measurement array.
For each model configuration, experiment, and camera view, spectral peak
vector-mean wave direction plots are presented in Appendix Q. Due to the large
volume of analysis results generated by this investigation, S( f ) and θm( f ) are
presented in tabular form in ASCII data files compiled on a CD that accompanies
this report. It describes the naming convention and file formats for the data
contained on the CD.
Chapter 5 Video-Based Wave Direction Measurement