16 April 2003
15 April 2004
16 April 2002
Figure 4-44b. Goldsmith Inlet channel entrance orientation, 2002-2004
Areal changes of the spit directly east of the jetty are illustrated in
Figure 4-45. Bypassing along the east side of the jetty resulted in 12,000 sq ft
of accreted sediment in 1996 and 17,000 sq ft in 2002. The elevation of the
Goldsmith Inlet jetty is 7 ft NAVD88. Because this spit for the most part
covered the landward portion of the jetty, the thickness of the shoal at both times
is estimated to be 6 ft above the NAVD88 datum. Volume of the spit is
estimated to be 2,700 cu yd in 1996 and 3,800 cu yd in 2002. The average rate
of sediment accumulation along the east side the jetty from 1996 to 2002 is
estimated to be 140 cu yd/year.
The area of the spit along the east side of the jetty increased from
17,000 sq ft on 16 April 2002 to 68,000 sq ft on 16 April 2003. The volume of
sediment located between the jetty and entrance channel is estimated to be 9,000-
12,000-cu yd, with 5,200 to 8,200 cu yd accumulating in a 6-month period. The
areal extent of the spit after the emergency dredging of 22-26 March 2004 is
estimated to be 35,000 sq ft.
Chapter 4 Morphology Change, and Channel Shoaling and Migration