Bottin, R. R., Jr., and Earickson, J. A. (1984). "Buhne Point, Humboldt Bay,
California Design for the Prevention of Shoreline Erosion," Technical Report
CERC-84-5, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg,
Presents the results of a numerical and physical hydrodynamic and
sediment transport models that focus on Entrance Bay and South Bay.
The study looks at various alternatives for shoreline protection at Buhne
Boyd, W. A. (1979). "An Investigation of Wave Recording by Seismometer at
the Entrance to Humboldt Bay, Humboldt State University Senior Project,"
15 pp.
Complimentary and preliminary to the study done by Hathaway (1982).
Brown, W. M., and Ritter, J. R. (1971). "Sediment and Turbidity in the Eel
River Basin, California," USGS Water Supply paper No. 1986.
Provides sediment loading information for the major riverine contributor
of sand to the Humboldt Bay littoral cell.
Brown, W. M. (1973). "Streamflow, Sediment and Turbidity in the Mad River
Basin," Water Resources Investigation No. 36-73, U.S. Army Corps of
Provides sediment loading information for one of the two major riverine
contributors of sand to the Humboldt Bay littoral cell.
Brown, W. M. (1975). "Sediment Transport, Turbidity, Channels Configuration
and Possible Effects of Impoundment of the Mad River, Humboldt County,
California," Water Resources Investigation No. 26-75, U.S. Army Corps of
Not reviewed. Supplementary information to Brown (1973).
Burdick, B. A. (1976). "Surficial Sediment Distribution in a Portion of
Humboldt Bay," M.S. thesis, Humboldt State University.
Not reviewed. Provides sediment data for limited channel areas.
California Department of Boating and Waterways. (1983). "Buhne Spit/King
Salmon Shore Protection Project at Humboldt Bay in the County of Humboldt,"
State of California, Resources Agency.
Early investigation and definition of the extreme erosion at Buhne Point
(in Entrance Bay) and the possible measures required to protect the
residence and business community at King Salmon.
Camozzi, B., Grimes, S., and Rajapakse, I. (1997). "A finite-difference Model
for the Tidal Circulation of Humboldt Bay," Humboldt State University.
Appendix E Annotated Bibliography of Key Studies and Reports