done to investigate the flushing of wastewater discharge from the bay to
develop an ebb-tidal discharge from the wastewater treatment plant in
Costa, S. L., and. Stork, J. W. (1984). "Prototype Data Collection for Humboldt
Bay, California," Contract No. DACW07-81-C-0029, U.S. Army Corps of
Describes a yearlong data collection of water levels, salinity,
to be used for model development by the Corps of Engineers. The data
were supplied as separate submittals on magnetic media, and are
available from West Consultants, or Greg Crawford at Humboldt State
University, or the primary author of the report. The report is in two
volumes including addenda and appendices.
Dartnell, P. (1990). "Predicting Sediment Movement of Dredge Disposal
Material Offshore of Humboldt Bay," OCN 199, Oceanography Department,
Humboldt State University.
Measured sediment phi sizes from 15 sediment samples collected
24 March 1990, five samples each from three transects.
Ebbesmyer, C., Diebel, C. E., Costa, S. L., and Hinchy, L. (1980). "Tidally
Powered Exchange between Two Interconnected Shallow Bays," Unpublished
A review of free and anchored drifter studies done in Entrance Bay that
provides a good review of the circulation patterns. Much of the material
was used in the Shapiro and Associates (1980) report.
Evans, R. A. (1994). "Humboldt Bay Hydrodynamic and Sedimentation Study,"
Miscellaneous Paper HL-94-2, Hydraulics Laboratory, U.S. Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
A hydrodynamic and sediment transport numerical model done in
support of the recent deepening project. Predictions of changes in
shoaling rate were addressed for various channel depths.
FEMA (1982). "Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps: Humboldt County
California (Unincorporated Areas)."
Panels associated with the Bay include 615, 620, 685, 780, 785, 920,
940, 1085, 1110, and 1120. Updated Flood Insurance Studies were
published in 1986 for unincorporated areas and for the City of Eureka,
and in 1997 for the City of Arcata.
Fiorentino, Chuck. (1980). "Characteristics and Features of Mad River Slough
Humboldt County, CA," OCN 199, Oceanography Department, Humboldt State
Appendix E Annotated Bibliography of Key Studies and Reports