Shapiro and Associates. (1980). "Humboldt Bay Wetlands Review and
Baylands Analysis," U.S. Army Engineer District, San Francisco.
A comprehensive review of the resources of the bay and surrounding
land. Includes chapters and discussion on land use, physical
oceanography, hydrology, and other resource information.
Snow, D. T. (1962). "Beaches in Northwestern California," University of
California, Berkeley, Hydraulics Engineering Laboratory Technical Report
Series 14, Issue 25.
Provides some background on the various stretches of beach along the
north coast of California.
Thompson, R. W. (1971). "Recent Sediments of Humboldt Bay, Eureka,
California," Petroleum Research Fund Report 789-G2, Humboldt State
Although dated, this is probably the most comprehensive examination of
the geomorphology, surficial sediment textural characteristics, and
depositional and erosion patterns available. Sediment budgets were
developed, and the morphological history of the bay is discussed.
Toole, C., and. Diebel, C. (ed.). (1982). Humbolt Bay Symposium Proceedings.
HSU Center for Community Development.
A comprehensive review of the resources of Humboldt Bay with
symposia sections on Physical Oceanography (Costa), Erosion at Buhne
Point (Tuttle), Biological Oceanography, Fisheries, Birds and Mammals,
Land Use (Glatzel), and Resource Management. The symposium also
included workshops with expert panels.
Tuttle, D. C. (1982). "The History of Erosion at King Salmon/Buhne Point from
1854 to 1982," in Proceedings of the Humboldt Bay Symposium. C. Toole and
C. Diebel (ed.), HSU Center for Community Development.
An excellent qualitative and historical review of an erosional problem
directly associated with the inlet dynamics, jetty construction, and
University of Washington. (1955). "Humboldt Bay, California: A literature
Survey," Contract No. N62306S-303, U.S. Naval Hydrographic Office.
A comprehensive survey of the knowledge base up to the time of the
literature search. This is a good reference for older data sources, but
generally of historical interest given the changes to the bay in the
intervening years.
U.S. Army Engineer District, San Francisco. (undated). "Construction and
Maintenance Data."
Appendix E Annotated Bibliography of Key Studies and Reports