Lamberson, R., Grimes, H. S., and Scarr, D. (1997). "A Tsunami Simulation
and Shoreline Inundation model for Humboldt Bay," Humboldt State University.
Not reviewed. A theoretical study of ways to predict effects of Tsunami
Lehre, A., Klien, R. D., and Trush, W. (1993). "Analysis of the Effects of
Historic Gravel Extraction on the Lower Geomorphic Character and Fisheries
Habitat of the Lower Mad River, Humboldt County, California; Appendix F in
Programmatic EIR on Gravel Extraction Removal from the Lower Mad River."
Not reviewed. May have some supplementary information on the nature
of the river and sediment transport and may have additional bibliographic
National Marine Consultants. (1960). "Wave Statistics for Seven Deep Water
Stations along the California Coast."
Provides deep water wave characteristics applicable to the Humboldt
County coastline.
Meteorology International, Inc. (1977). "Deep Water Wave Statistics for the
California Coast, Stations 1 and 2," California Department of Navigation and
Ocean Development.
Provides offshore wave climate data applicable to the Humboldt County
Moffatt & Nichol, Engineers, (1991). "Shoreline Mapping, Pacific Coast Near
Entrance to Humboldt Bay, California," U.S. Army Engineer District, San
This report updates the previous investigations by the U.S. Corps of
Engineers (1950) and Noble (1971). Provides some good time-histories
of the shorelines, from 6 miles north and south, and immediately
adjacent to the jetties, but no offshore or ebb delta/bar information.
Noble, R. (1971). "Shoreline Changes Humboldt Bay, California," Hydraulic
Engineering Laboratory, Report HEL 24-4, University of California, Berkeley.