storms. Provides the extremes of water level set-ups up to the 500-year
return period.
Remson, W. E. (1970). Sedimentation Rate in a Dredged Channel of Arcata
Bay. Senior Paper, Oceanography Department, Humboldt State University.
Paper prepared under direction of Dr. R. W. Thompson, Geological
Oceanographer. Cores taken at 1,000 ft intervals along a transect line
bearing North 19W from intersection of Highway 101 North with
Murray Field turnoff, with transect shown on aerial photo. Additional
purpose of study was to calculate change in sedimentation rate on mud
Richard B. Davis Company. (1991). "Planimetric Map of Humboldt Bay
North and South Spits, and Beach Profiles," U.S. Army Engineer District, San
Not reviewed. The mapping was used by Moffatt & Nichol (1991) and
may provide some information on shoreline position.
Ridgeway, I. K. (1986). "Pyritization in Sediments of Arcata Bay," OCN 199,
Oceanography Department Humboldt State University.
Directed study. Not reviewed.
Ritter, J. R. (1972). "Sand Transport by the Eel River and its Effect on Nearby
Beaches," USGS open file report No. 2001.07.
A distillation and extension of the data found in Brown and Ritter (1971)
that specifically addresses the sand fraction of the sediment load of the
Eel River.
Scalici, M. J. (1993). "Historical Review of the Events Shaping the Mad River
Delta and Estuary, Northwest California, 1850-1941," Appendix in "Mad River
Mouth Monitoring Report," Borgeld et al. (1993).
Not reviewed. May contain some interesting insights about beach
processes and inlet dynamics on the Humboldt County coastline. The
same author presents a methods paper on this project at the Third
Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal
Environments (1995, Seattle, WA).
Scheffner, N. W. (1990). "A Dispersion Analysis of the Humboldt Bay, CA,
Interim Offshore Disposal Site," Final Report. Prepared for U.S. Army Engineer
District, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA (Scheffner is with the U.S. Army
Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal Engineering Research
Center, Vicksburg, MS).
Includes waves, currents, short-term modeling and long-term modeling
for interim dredge disposal site located 3 n.m. northwest of the entrance
to Humboldt Bay.
Appendix E Annotated Bibliography of Key Studies and Reports