numerical model investigations/ by Robert R. Bottin,
Other Author(s): Exxon Company USA.
Jr., Jeffrey A. Earickson.
Humboldt County (CA), Planning Department.
Variant Title: Design for the prevention of shoreline
Title: Final environmental impact report for Exxon
platform jacket assembly site: County of Humboldt,
Eureka, California/ prepared by Woodward-Clyde
Subject(s): Beach erosion--California--Mathematical
Consultants for Humboldt County Planning
Hydraulic models.
Shore protection--California--Mathematical models.
Variant Title: Exxon platform jacket assembly site.
Buhne Point (CA).
Humboldt Bay (CA).
aspects--California Humboldt Bay Region.
Publisher: Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer
Industrial location--Environmental aspects--California
Waterways Experiment Station; [Springfield, VA:
Humboldt Bay Region.
available from National Technical Information Service,
Regional planning--California--Humboldt Bay Region.
Environmental impact statements--California--
Humboldt County.
Description: 336 p. in various pagings, 111 p. of
Samoa Peninsula (CA).
plates: ill., maps; 28 cm.
Publisher: [San Francisco, CA: Woodward-Clyde],
Series: Technical report; CERC-84-5.
Notes: Cover title.
Description: 1 v. in various pagings: ill., maps; 28 cm.
Bibliography: p. 58-59. 27.
Notes: "Approved and certified on April 17, 1984".
Call Number: GB458.8 B68 1984
"State clearing house no. 83033003".
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Includes bibliography.
Room (Non-Circulating).
Call Number: TN871.3 W66 1984
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Main Author: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los
Room (Non-Circulating).
Angeles District.
Other Author(s): U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San
Francisco District.
Main Author: Costa, Steven L.
Other Author(s): Stork, James W.
Title: Comprehensive condition survey, North and
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. San Francisco District.
South jetties, Humboldt Harbor, Humboldt County, CA
Humboldt State University. Foundation.
and outer breakwater, Crescent City Harbor, Del Norte
County, CA: Appendix E, Geotechnical report/
Title: Humboldt Bay prototype data collection: final
prepared by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los
project report, submitted to U.S. Army Corps of
Angeles District.
Engineers, San Francisco District ... by Humboldt State
University Foundation/ principal investigators: Steven
Subject(s): Harbors--California--Eureka.
L. Costa, James W. Stork.
Harbors--California--Crescent City.
Geology--California--Humboldt Bay.
Variant Title: Prototype data collection for Humboldt
Geology--California--Crescent City.
Bay, California.
Humboldt Bay (CA)
Subject(s): Oceanography--California--Humboldt Bay.
Publisher: [San Francisco, CA]: U.S. Army Corps of
Tides--California--Humboldt Bay.
Engineers, San Francisco District, 1984.
Humboldt Bay (CA).
Description: 1 v. (various pagings): ill., maps.
Publisher: [Arcata, CA: The Foundation, 1984].
Notes: Bibliography: p. E-66.
Description: 2 v. in 1: ill., maps.
Call Number: TC225.H8 A54 1984
Notes: Bibliography: p. 137-139.
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
Table of Contents: [Report] Addenda and appendices.
Room (Non-Circulating).
Call Number: GC856 C67
Location: Archives, 3rd floor north, Humboldt Room
Main Author: Woodward-Clyde Consultants.
Appendix F Available Publications at Humboldt State University Library