Notes: Bibliography: [Sect.] 6, p. 1-8.
Main Author: Costa, Steven L.
Call Number: TN871.3 W66
Other Author(s): Stork, James W.
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District.
Room (Non-Circulating).
Humboldt State University. Foundation.
Title: Prototype data collection for Humboldt Bay,
Other Author(s): Gould, Terry.
California: [final project report, Humboldt Bay
Norris, Dan.
Prototype data collection]/ prepared for U.S. Army
Brown and Caldwell.
Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District ; [principal
investigators: Steven L. Costa, James W. Stork;
Title: Initial study, greater Eureka area wastewater
associate investigators: Carol E. Diebel, Kent K.
treatment program: step 3 modifications/ Brown and
Hathaway, Mary C. Landsteiner].
Variant Title: Final project report, Humboldt Bay
Subject(s): Sewage disposal--California--Eureka.
Prototype data collection Humboldt Bay Prototype data
Sewage disposal--California--Humboldt Bay Region.
Publisher: [Eugene, OR: B.&C., 1983].
Subject(s): Oceanography--California--Humboldt Bay.
Tides--California--Humboldt Bay.
Description: 25 leaves in various foliations, 2 leaves of
Humboldt Bay (CA).
plates: maps.
Publisher: [Arcata, CA: The Foundation, 1984].
Notes: "... prepared under the direction of Don Dodge
... written by Terry Gould and Dan Norris ..."--Pref.
Description: xi, 146 leaves: ill., maps; 28 cm.
Call Number: TD525.H86 B36
Notes: "Submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Location: Humboldt County Coll, 3rd floor-Humboldt
San Francisco District, contract no. DACW07-81-C-
Room (Non-Circulating).
0029 ... by Humboldt State University Foundation,
Humboldt State University, Arcata, California"--P. [i].
"August 1984."
Other Author(s): Water Resources Support Center
Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-139).
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Call Number: GC856 .C672 1984
Location: Archives, 3rd floor north, Humboldt Room
Title: The Ports of San Francisco, Redwood City, and
Humboldt Bay, California/ prepared by the Water
Resources Support Center.
Main Author: Woodward-Clyde Consultants.
Subject(s): Harbors--California.
Other Author(s): Exxon Company USA.
Harbors--California--San Francisco.
Humboldt County (CA). Board of Supervisors.
Harbors--California--Redwood City.
Harbors--California--Humboldt Bay.
Title: Exxon platform jacket assembly site: draft
environmental impact report/ prepared by Woodward-
Publisher: Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O.; Fort
Clyde Consultants under contract to the County of
Belvoir, VA: For Sale by the Center, 1983.
Humboldt, Eureka, California.
Description: vi, 112 p.: ill., maps; 26 cm.