contour and 180,000 m3 above the zero contour. The ebb shoal was remarkably symmetric,
suggesting balanced longshore sand transport or weak sand transporting capacity by waves for
the 6-month period as compared to the tidal prism of the newly created inlet. It will be
interesting to observe both the growth and symmetry of the ebb shoal at the new inlet.
The Reservoir model (Kraus 2000) was run with an equilibrium volume of the ebb shoal as
1.2 x 106 m3 and with a representative gross longshore transport rate of 500,000 m3/year, based
on information from several sources. The model well reproduced the 6-month volume as found
above and predicts the ebb shoal will approach a volume of 1 million cubic meters within
5 years, at which time natural bypassing is predicted to be 80 percent.
December 2001 to October 2002
Difference, ft, NGVD 29
-17.752 - -15
-15 - -13
-13 - -11
-11 - -9
-9 - -7
-7 - -5
-5 - -3
-3 - -1
-1 - 0
5 - 7.962
1000 Feet
Fig. 11. Bathymetry change at new inlet, December 2001 to October 2002 (6 months
post inlet opening).
The inlet relocation project at Mason Inlet and the reopening of Mason Creek has resulted in
creation of a new and more stable inlet channel with increased tidal prism and flushing within the
Middle Sound Estuary. Inlet relocation and closure of the original inlet have prevented the loss
of commercial and residential property, roads, and utilities that were imminently threatened by
the inlet's migration. Substantial information and data are been gathered on this unique project
with significant scientific and engineering knowledge to be gained on inlet dynamics.