J.L. Hench et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 26152631
with runs where n was set to 2 m2 s1, 4 m2 s1 (the
context of the rotated coordinate system we form
baseline), and 6 m2 s1. The 2 m2 s1 run showed
a ``curvature'' Rossby number
sharper velocity gradients, but was contaminated
by high frequency numerical oscillations in the
R0 s jUs=fRsj:
momentum fields, while the 6 m2 s1 run exhibited
comparatively smooth velocity gradients and
momentum fields. In all three runs the major
Model results were used to directly compute R0
features of the momentum balances were un-
throughout the flow, as shown in Fig. 6 for each of
changed. The model was most sensitive to changes
the idealized inlets. For inlet I, R0 > 1 over the
in depth. Runs where the sound and inlet
entire width and length of the inlet (Fig. 6a). There
bathymetry were set shallower (3 m) and deeper
is a marked asymmetry between the ocean side and
(7 m) were compared with the baseline run with
the sound side of the inlet. The region of high R0
5 m depth. Results were as expected, with the
on the sound side is enhanced by the centrifugal
shallower depth producing stronger streamwise
accelerations and bottom friction (both balanced
II (Fig. 6b), the high R0 region still spans the entire
by a steeper streamwise pressure gradient). Spatial
structure of the lateral balance was unchanged, but
sharply diminish within the straits. For inlet III
with stronger centrifugal accelerations and lateral
(Fig. 6c), R0 is large in regions adjacent to the inlet
pressure gradients. Increasing the depth had the
headlands and along the entire inlet length, but
opposite effects, but again did not change the
there is a region of low R0 in the inlet center.
major momentum features.
Finally, inlet IV exhibits R0 patterns that are a
combination of inlets II and III (Fig. 6d), with
high R0 only near the inlet headlands. By
4. Lateral dynamics and Rossby numbers
convention R0 is always positive but we note that
it reaches zero in the middle of each of the inlets at
The results of our analysis on the four idealized
the location where the radius of curvature becomes
inlets indicate that at the stronger phases of the
infinite. At these locations the radius of curvature
tide, the flow is near steady state and lateral
changes sign from positive (on the west sides) to
diffusion of momentum is small. Therefore the
negative (on the east sides). Results from a
lateral momentum balance reduces to the sum of
companion study of transient dynamics (Hench
centrifugal and Coriolis accelerations and the
and Luettich, in review) showed that these
lateral pressure gradient
balances hold for much of the tidal cycle but not
fUs g
during the weaker phases, particularly during the
hour nearest to slack. During those tidal phases,
We now look at the two limiting cases. If
R0{1 but the balances are still not geostrophic as
centrifugal acceleration is negligible then (Eq. 6)
the local acceleration terms are important.
reduces to a geostrophic balance
fUs g
5. Inlet classification scheme
and conversely, if the centrifugal acceleration is
Our analysis of inlet dynamics has identified the
much greater than Coriolis (Eq. 6) can be
dominant force balances for a range of inlet
approximated by a cyclostrophic balance
configurations. In this section, we use this insight
to develop an inlet classification scheme based on
these underlying dynamics. Previous classification
schemes have been developed for estuarine circula-
We now assess the relative importance of the
tion (Stommel and Farmer, 1952; Hansen and
centrifugal and Coriolis accelerations. In the