J.L. Hench et al. / Continental Shelf Research 22 (2002) 26152631
Fig. 6. Computed Rossby number (defined as R0 jUs=fRsj) shaded contours for the four idealized inlets at maximum flood. The solid
black contour lines indicate R0 1:
Rattray, 1966; Jay and Smith, 1988) as well as for
ilar, they may have very different tidal circulation
buoyant coastal discharges (Garvine, 1995; Kour-
and dynamics. Thus the lack of any inlet geometry
afalou et al., 1996). Thoughtful reviews of
or velocity characteristics appears to be a sig-
classification schemes are given by Dyer (1997)
nificant weakness in extending the Hayes (1979)
and by Jay et al. (2000). Much less work has been
scheme to tidal inlets.
done for inlet classification, although inlets have
Here we develop a new inlet classification
been classified following the Hayes (1979) barrier
scheme based on two dimensionless parameters
island scheme. The Hayes classification uses mean
derived from the lateral tidal momentum balances
wave height and mean tidal range to assess the
and intrinsic inlet geometry. Following the results
relative role these two processes play in shaping
from Section 4, we first find the length scale at
barrier island morphology. The scheme has sub-
sequently been used for inlet classification, but the
are comparable. Setting R0 1 and solving for
Rs1; the radius of curvature for which the Rossby
can imagine two inlets in close proximity along a
coast with similar mean tidal ranges and mean
number is one
wave heights. These two inlets would be classified
Rs1 Us=f :
the same using Hayes (1979). However, if the