Application of Cascade to the south shore of Long Island, New York demonstrated its
capability to simulate regional sediment transport and coastal evolution for complex
conditions. The simulations included two inlets that opened and evolvied through
shoal complex. Eroded and accreted volumes updrift and downdrift the inlets, respectively,
were well predicted, whereas the calculated and measured shoreline shape differed
somewhat downdrift of the inlets. This discrepancy is attributed to the algorithm for
releasing sediment from the attachment bar to the adjacent beach. Work is underway to
enhance the model as well as to include other features at the regional scale, such as spit
evolution, sediment storage and transfer in the flood shoal and channels of an inlet, and
barrier-island migration due to overwash.
This paper was prepared under the Regional Sediment Management Program and the
Coastal Inlets Research Program, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). We appreciate
reviews by Dr. Jack Davis and Julie Dean Rosati. Permission was granted by
Headquarters, USACE, to publish this information.
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