January 13, 2004
Analytical Model of Incipient Breaching of Coastal Barriers
Fig. 2. Pikes Inlet, New York, December 18, 1992, about 6 days after inception of breaching.
Fig. 2. Pikes Inlet, New York, 18 December 1992, about 6 days after inception of breaching.
neighboring, initially smaller breach widened because of updrift trapping of sediment
by a groin field. The latter inlet, called Little Pikes Inlet, grew from approximately
30 m to 1.5 km, more than five times the width of the nearby Moriches inlet to the
west that is stabilized by dual jetties.
General observations and a few case studies of breaching that occurred next to
jetties have also been made, such as for the January 1980 breach at Moriches Inlet,
New York (Schmeltz et al., 1982; Sorensen and Smeltz, 1982) and the December
1993 breach at Grays Harbor, Washington (Arden, 2003). The breach at Grays