sediment continuity equation and an empirical sediment transport formula. We then present a
simplified mathematical model, which we refer to as the Exner model, that uncouples the
sediment transport/morphological model from the hydrodynamic model. This simplified model
can be used as a verification tool for the numerical method. In Section 3, we give a detailed
description of our implementation of the DG method for the sediment continuity equation, giving
specific details on the numerical flux, basis, quadrature rules, time discretization, slope limiter,
and continuous projection that are employed. In Section 4, we present numerical results from
three test cases with the aim of: i.) verifying that the method achieves second-order convergence
in space, and ii.) demonstrating how the model can be used for predicting so called medium-term
(see for example de Vriend, et al., 1993) morphological changes in channels and coastal inlets.
Finally, in Section 5, we summarize this paper, and we briefly discuss the current and future work
in the development of this model system.