where A is a given function and n is a given positive constant both of which are specific to the
particular sediment transport formula. Note that A is typically a function of the flow velocity, U,
the total height of the water column, H = ζ - z (where ζ is the water surface elevation relative to
the same datum as the bed), and a number of constants that are based on sediment properties such
as sediment type and grain size and data fitting procedures. The constant n is typically in the
range of 1 ≤ n ≤ 3 .
In our model, we will make use of a new bed load formula developed by Camenen and
Larson (2005), though the numerical model to be described will be general enough to allow the
use of any sediment transport formula provided it is a function of H and a monotonically
increasing function of U.
Camenen and Larson develop new bed load sediment transport