The M3D model hydrodynamic and sediment transport components were
tested against numerous data sets. They successfully reproduced the time-
dependent flow and suspended sediment transport measurements in flow tunnel
experiments of Ribberink, et al. (1994) and the flow and suspended sediment
vertical profiles and time series data from the field experiments of Wright
(1999). Only a small portion of the validation could be presented here.
M3D successfully simulated in-filling rates at the St. Marys Entrance deep-
draft navigation channel, demonstrating the influence of water depth and grain
size on calculated sediment transport rates. The documented systematic
decrease in shoaling rate with distance offshore (Johnston et al., 2002) was
properly simulated with the model and can be explained by the dependence of
bottom stresses on water depth and the ambient grain size.
This work was supported by the Inlet Modeling System Work Unit, Coastal
Inlets Research Program (CIRP), of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The
authors express appreciation to Dr. Nicholas Kraus, CIRP Program Manager,
for his encouragement and guidance in this work.
Buonaiuto, F.S., and Kraus, N.C. 2003. Limiting Slopes and Depths at Ebb-
tidal Shoals. Coastal Engineering 48, 5165.
Hess, C.M. 2001.