Task 2: Small-area idealized flow model of Cook Inlet
The objective of this task was to study in greater detail flow patterns
identified in the Task 1 model in terms of potential contribution to sedimentation
at the Port of Anchorage. A secondary objective was to collect data to compare
between the two small-scale distorted models.
Task 3: Turbulence scale effect in distorted physical models
The objective of Task 3 was to quantify the impact of turbulent scale effects
associated with geometrically distorted physical flow models, and to determine
whether a proposed large-scale distorted physical model of Cook Inlet will
produce reliable and useful results in regions where flow separation and
turbulence are contributing to sedimentation.
Task 4: Effect of sloping transitions on flow hydrodynamics
The objective of this task was to test the hypothesis that sloping transitions
on both ends of the harbor would decrease areas of flow reduction and increase
flushing of the harbor. (Presently, the upstream and downstream ends of the
dredged region of the Port of Anchorage have vertical sidewalls cut out of hard,
non-erodible material.)
Task 5: Large-area 3-D flow model of Cook Inlet
The objective of this task was to identify and examine in a 3-D flow table
model the large-scale flow patterns in upper Cook Inlet during maximum ebb and
flood tide.
Report Organization and Content
The chapters of this report are organized according to the previously listed
tasks. Chapter 2 overviews the flow table modeling facility and describes its
capabilities and operation. Chapter 3 describes the two idealized Cook Inlet
models and summarizes observations from these models. Turbulence scale
effects are examined theoretically in Chapter 4, along with an examination of
potential scale effects for river bends simulated in geometrically distorted
physical models. Flow table experiments to examine potential turbulence scale
effects in distorted models are described in Chapter 5 along with results and
conclusions. Chapter 6 presents experiments related to potential shoaling