Figure 4-27. Mattituck Inlet Federal navigation channel configuration, prior to
and after October November 1950
Repositioning of the Federal navigation channel increased the maximum
channel cross-section width to approximately 210 ft. The repairs of
October 1937 - August 1938 and August-September 1946, together with the
clearing of the west flood shoal and the introduction of the present navigation
channel position in October-November 1950, brought the configuration of
Mattituck Inlet close to its present configuration.
The dredging of AugustSeptember 1955 removed 31,552 cu yd of sediment.
Dredging took place only in section A (Figure 2-7), from the channel entrance to
the location of the east flood shoal. The dredging of August-October 1961
removed 43,550 cu yd of sediment. The extent of this dredging included section
A and all of section B (Figure 2-7). Elevation change in section A for this
dredging is discussed in the next section of this chapter.
During SeptemberOctober 1965, a one-time dredging was performed to
create a Federal anchorage at the head of Mattituck Creek, in addition to the
dredging of the entrance of the Federal navigation channel. Areas dredged at this
time are indicated in Figure 4-28. A total 47,265 cu yd of sediment was dredged.
As indicated in Figure 4-28, only portions of section A and of section B adjacent
to the flood shoal were dredged, removing 6,285 cu yd of sediment. The
remaining 40,980 cu yd of sediment was dredged from the Federal anchorage and
southern section of Mattituck Creek.
Chapter 4 Morphology Change, and Channel Shoaling and Migration