sediment accumulation diminished greatly after 1965. Shoaling now occurs
mainly along the east bank, directly behind the shoreward end of the east jetty.
Shoaling is also observed along the west bank, directly opposite the main flood
shoal and alongside the seaward tip of the west jetty. Based on the amount of
sediment dredged from these locations (Figures 4-31c, 4-32c and 4-33c),
sediment accumulates at these locations along the sloped walls of the channel,
causing the channel to become increasingly constricted. Shoaling also occurs at
the mouth of the inlet, where sediment accumulates at the bottom of the channel
(channel infilling). Dredging serves to deepen the channel, as well as widen it in
areas where bank encroachment constricts the channel.
Figure 4-31a. Channel elevation, June 1961 (pre-dredging)
Chapter 4 Morphology Change, and Channel Shoaling and Migration