Eaton's Neck in Huntington Harbor, Huntington, Long Island, NY (4057.2'N,
7324'W); New Haven Harbor, New Haven, CT (4117.0'N, 7254.5'W); and
Kings Point, NY (4048.6'N, 7345.9'W).
Figures 5-5a, 5-5c, and 5-5e show comparisons for the period of field data
collection (18 September 8 October 2002), and Figures 5-5b, 5-5d and 5-5f
show comparisons for 5-8 October 2002, a period of spring tide. The water-level
plots for these locations validate the model output for the southern boundary of
the Long Island Sound (the north shore of Long Island), the northern boundary of
the Long Island Sound (the south shore of Connecticut), and the western portion
of the Long Island Sound, respectively. These plots also illustrate the tidal
signature of the Long Island Sound, where mean tide amplitudes increases from
east to west (Chapter 2). Agreement with both tidal phase and amplitude is seen.
Occasional deviation is observed between calculation and measurements,
attributed primarily to neglect of wind forcing in the model for the present
application. At Kings Point, under predictions of ADCIRC are believed to be
related to the coarseness of the grid in the area of the NOS station. Increased
resolution of the grid supplemented with recent and denser bathymetry
measurements would improve agreement.
Figure 5-4. NOS stations and 19 Septem
Chapter 5 Circulation Analysis