F.S. Buonaiuto, N.C. Kraus / Coastal Engineering 48 (2003) 5165
ing properties of channels, spacing along barrier
Escoffier (1940, 1977) deduced the general behav-
islands, and flood basin volume below mean sea le-
ior of the stability of inlet cross-sectional area in terms
vel, and Hayes (1991) discusses integrative qualita-
of a macro-scale parameter such as spring tidal prism
tive models.
or mean maximum velocity of the flow through the
The above studies indicate that tidal prism and
inlet, and Bruun and Gerritsen (1959, 1960) classified
mean wave height or wave energy determine a variety
inlet sand bypassing by a parameter formed as the
of long-term average properties of the morphology at
ratio of tidal prism divided by the (predominantly
wave-induced) annual gross or total transport to the
inlets. The present study continues in this vein by
of Eq. (1) as a balance between the competing
ebb shoals and channels in terms of these macro-scale
mechanisms of longshore transport and tidal flushing
forcing parameters. The geomorphic properties con-
in a model compatible with concepts of Bruun and
sidered are limiting slopes of the ebb shoal and natural
Gerritsen (1959, 1960).
and dredged channels, and the minimum or limiting
In a more qualitative study, Hayes (1979) classi-
depth over the ebb shoal. Such relations are of interest
fied tidal inlet morphology graphically by the two
to those involved with channel maintenance and
parameters of mean significant wave height and mean
mining of ebb shoals for sand bypassing. Also, limit-
tidal range. For the wave-dominated category (rela-
ing relations can serve as checks for numerical model
tively large wave height for a particular tidal prism),
simulations of tidal inlet morphology.
flood-tidal shoals are well developed, and ebb-tidal
shoals tend to be small. For tidally dominated inlets
(relatively large tidal range for a particular wave
2. Procedure
height), ebb-tidal shoals are well developed, and the
flood shoal is relatively small. Tidal range can be
2.1. Bathymetry data
considered as a surrogate for tidal prism, if bay areas
are comparable. For additional review, De Vriend
High-resolution bathymetry data sets for 13 inlets
(1996) covers the morphology of tidal inlets, includ-
located on the Atlantic, Gulf, and Great Lakes coasts
Fig. 1. Location of inlets examined (inlets with conventional surveys in parentheses).