Terra-Mar. Both of these aerial flights have now been geo-registered to the
U.S. Geological Survey Quadrangle 7.5-min sheets as the photo base for the
Humboldt Bay Geographic Information System (GIS) being established for the
Humboldt Bay Management Plan by interagency participation under the direction
of the (HBHRCD). A more detailed description of the Humboldt Bay GIS is
provided in "Data Sources and Compilations." The geo-registered aerial
photography files are available from some of the local State and Federal agency
offices participating in the Humboldt Bay GIS and the HBHRCD. The format
they are available in is as specified in, "Data Sources and Compilations."
The BW 2000 aerial photography flight was flown by WAC, Eugene, OR,
and is also commercially available from WAC, which is an aerial photography
company. The San Francisco District, Eureka Field Office has one set of the
flight for Humboldt Bay. The date and time of the flight is not known at this
time, as none of the photographs in the SPN-EK were date or time stamped.
Contact information for WAC is provided in Appendix A.
The DPW database slide collection, as noted in the photographs table in
Appendix A, contains numerous oblique aerials photographs and on-the-ground
slides for Humboldt County and other regional project sites (i.e., Dos Rios Dam
site, Potter Valley Dam). The Humboldt Bay oblique aerial photographs in the
collection have predominantly been taken from small aircraft or occasionally a
helicopter (U.S. Coast Guard). The DPW database Humboldt Bay slides are
dominated by the King Salmon-Buhne Point erosion in Entrance Bay as it was a
concern for DPW before the existing demonstration shoreline erosion protection
project was built. There are numerous on-the-ground slides of storm waves
overtopping the shoreline roadway (Buhne Point Drive) at this location. These
storm wave photographs may be of interest to the study as the Buhne Point
project is located in Entrance Bay directly opposite the entrance to Humboldt
Bay. The time and date of most of the slides are documented on the slides.
There is also excellent coverage in the DPW database slide collection of post-
flood damage and water levels for the Eel and Mad Rivers.
The San Francisco District Eureka Field Office has an extensive oblique
aerial photo print and slide collection, as noted in the photographs table
(Appendix A). Most of the aerials in the collection were taken since 1974 from
the U.S. Coast Guard helicopter stationed at the ACV Airport. The bulk of the
photographs document the condition of the jetties either during construction or
for maintenance surveys and during and after storm damage. Some of the storm
damage photographs are revealing as they document the storm wave conditions
at the Humboldt Bay entrance.
Prior to the establishment of the San Francisco District Eureka Field Office,
which followed the massive area-wide flood damage from the 1964 flood of
record for the Eel River, photographs of the Humboldt Bay entrance were taken
by the District staff photographers. From 1965 to the mid-1970s, photographers
made multiple trips to document conditions at the Humboldt Bay entrance.
These photographs are expected to be at the San Francisco District either in files
or on microfiche, if they have not yet been moved to the Federal Archive Record
Center in San Bruno, CA.
Chapter 4 Inventory of Available Data and Data Sources