understanding the dynamics of the Humboldt Bay entrance. The annotated
bibliography is generally limited to those studies that were found locally in
Humboldt County as a result of data review effort.
Because the time frame allotted to locate and review studies, and the level of
effort assigned this data review task in its entirety, this annotated bibliography
should not be considered exhaustive. Appendix E also includes short
descriptions of studies that are known to have included oceanographic data
collection, but because obtaining the actual data was beyond the scope of this
project are mentioned for further consideration.
Appendix F is a bibliographic compilation of holdings of the HSU Library
concerning Humboldt Bay. The documents included in this appendix were
selected from the entire listing of "Humboldt Bay" that contained over 2,000
documents. This listing resulted from downloading an online documents search,
using keyword combinations, from the HSU Library Web site and then manually
editing the list. Documents were reserved or eliminated based on retaining all
documents that could potentially be useful. Documents were selected that
appeared to either apply directly or indirectly to the Humboldt Bay entrance
hydrodynamics and sediment transport dynamics. Some biological documents,
primarily HSU Master's degree theses, were listed as some physical data
concerning the bay may have been included in the research. Some documents
were included that address historical aspects of Humboldt Bay as they may also
be of peripheral interest.
This section includes the contact information for the primary and secondary
data sources for the map/charts, photographs, and documents. It also includes the
Humboldt Bay GIS including access to materials on the HBHRCD Web site and
access to individual data files. In addition to these data sources, a short outline of
some of the projects and persons that may have oceanographic data of various
types but for which in-depth listing and investigation was beyond the scope of
the data review.
Contact information
Appendix G contains the listing of persons and agencies referenced in the
body of this report or who or which are associated with information contained in
Appendix A photographs, and Appendix C maps/charts. Some restrictions do
apply in gaining access to databases, and contact information can change over
Humboldt Bay GIS
The Humboldt Bay GIS has been established in part as a planning tool for the
development of the Humboldt Bay Management Plan that is in preparation by the
HBHRCD. The HBHRCD has joined with many Federal, state, and local
regulatory and resource agencies in the formulation of the Humboldt Bay GIS.
The goal of creating the Humboldt Bay GIS system is to create a common
Chapter 4 Inventory of Available Data and Data Sources