platform that can be used by all agencies, educational institutions, along with the
general public, as information and resources planning tool for Humboldt Bay.
Several database layers have been entered into the Humboldt Bay GIS, which
is formatted on an ArcInfo software platform. Table 8 shows the coverage that is
either in place already or planned for the GIS system regarding the physical
characteristics of Humboldt Bay. At the time of preparation of this report the
metadata files for the data layers listed in Table 8 were not available. Any
completed data layer files are available from the HBHRCD or as downloads from
the Humboldt Bay GIS Web site:
Nearshore oceanographic studies
Humboldt Bay Wastewater Authority (HBWA), was a late 1970s/early 1980s
proposal for a joint services ocean outfall to dispose of combined wastewater
from the city of Arcata, the city of Eureka, and the Greater Humboldt Bay area
then and now under county jurisdiction (approximately McKinleyville south to
conducted from about 1975 to 1977. Data collected included fish and benthic
invertebrate populations, sediment data, and some hydrographic parameters.
Some of the documents associated with HBWA can be found in the HSU
Library. The city of Arcata, Public Works or Environmental Department had a
full set of all the documents.
The 301(k) Oceanographic Studies conducted by CH2M HILL in 1985 under
contract to Louisiana Pacific Corporation (LP) (Samoa, North Spit) and Crown
Simpson Pulp Company (Fairhaven, North Spit). Studies were submitted to the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 9, San Francisco, as part
of the permitting for the LP and Simpson ocean outfalls. The studies included
measurements on currents, hydrographic parameters, water quality, and biology
in an area of the near-surf zone along North Spit, approximately 2 to 4 miles
north of the north jetty.
The Ocean Outfall Oceanography Monitoring Studies, for Louisiana Pacific
Corp's pulp mill discharge, required under National Pollution Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, U.S. EPA, Region 9, San Francisco. This
oceanographic monitoring was conducted by a team of graduate level student
scientists under the direction of Dr. John Pequegnat, Oceanography Department,
HSU. The monitoring was conducted on a quarterly basis for about 4-5 years.
Each monitoring report has an appendix containing the hydrographic and water
quality data presented for each quarter. The monitoring reports are not readily
available from Dr. Pequegnat, but may be available from USEPA, Region 9 or
from Surfriders, a citizen group that sued EPA to enforce provisions of the Clean
Water Act on the LP ocean discharge.
Chapter 4 Inventory of Available Data and Data Sources