quality of the map/chart and the importance of it to the study. These selected
map/charts in whole or part may be scanned and digitized for the Humboldt Bay
modeling study that is in progress.
Map/charts deemed especially useful were those that fell into one of the
following categories:
a. Map/chart displayed the Entrance Channel prior to construction of jetties,
with a single jetty, or two early jetties not completed (USACE 1880 to
1930 maps).
b. Map/chart displayed important features or historical trends in Entrance
Channel shoaling and historical patterns and configurations of sediment
bed forms in Entrance Bay (USACE multiyear comparisons of
bathymetry from various years).
c. Map/chart displayed single early (1930s) circulation study results or
wave conditions at the entrance (USACE Division 17).
d. Map/chart displayed great amount of bathymetric detail for the area
offshore, both north and south, of the Entrance Channel (Multiyear
sequence of U.S. Coast Survey (USCS) and U.S. Coast and Geodetic
Survey (USC&GS) charts). These same maps/charts could be used to
trace the geomorphology of the Humboldt Bay entrance, under a separate
study, if interest exists in funding the study.
The San Francisco District Eureka Field Office holds blue-line copies of the
Humboldt Bay recent (1999-2000) channel-deepening project. The CIRP
investigators have indicated that they already have the latest channel bathymetry
in digital form from the San Francisco District.
More recent map/charts that may be of interest are those listed for the
HBHRCD established as part of the Humboldt Bay Management Plan. The
Humboldt Bay GIS project is described in more detail in "Data Sources and